2022 Annual General Meeting to be held Dec. 13th

The Withrow Park Ball Hockey League will hold its Annual General Meeting Monday, December 13th at 8 p.m., via Zoom.  All players and their parents who registered for the 2020 season are welcome to attend. Topics will include:

  • League finances
  • Appointment of the 2022 Board of Directors
  • Planning for the 2022 season

If you’re able to join us, click this link for the meeting: Zoom link

The strength of our league lies in the efforts and ideas of all our players, parents and volunteers. Please help us improve and plan to make it better.

Below are the minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting:

Withrow Park Ball Hockey League 2020 Annual General Meeting
7:30 PM February 8, 2021

1. Introductions
● Welcome – 35 attendees – largest turnout in many years, maybe ever.

2. Approval of Minutes from 2019 Annual General Meeting
● Moved by Mark Cordy
● Seconded by Dave Jones

3. President’s Report
● Unprecedented year for the league – no youth season for first time since 1976

● Adults did play an abridged and altered season from late August to early October which
allowed testing of new protocols which can be carried over to the 2021 season for all
age groups
● Board is committed to making the 2021 season happen in whatever form public health
and sport authorities permit
● Will keep the community informed on progress with permits and scheduling

4. Treasurer’s Report
● Click here to see report 

5. Election of Directors
● Moved by Mark Cordy
● Seconded by Dan Jenkins

6. Other Business
● Diversity and Inclusion project – Chris Rollins

7. Questions from the Floor
● Q: Can the league survive another year without playing? (Charlene Sadler)
i. A: Would likely require fundraising to cover moderate fixed costs for storage and

● Q: How are the adapted rules determined? (Pablo Garrido)
i. A: Combination of what is required by the City, Province and CBHA, plus any
safety protocols over and above this determined by the Board.

8. Adjournment of Meeting
● Moved by Christine Miles
● Seconded by Charlene Sadler

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